Our Partners

European Dental Hygienists Federation

The European Dental Hygienists Federation (EDHF) is a non-profit organisation representing 23 national dental hygienist associations across Europe (according to World Health Organisation – Regional Office for Europe (WHO-EURO)). Together, the 23 member associations of EDHF represents approximately 38,000 dental hygienists.

Each member association is represented by two delegates. The EDHF is managed by a four-member board chosen from amongst the representatives of the member associations. The Federation meets on an annual basis to review its progress and update the policy of the Federation.

International Federation of Dental Hygienists

The International Federation of Dental Hygienists is an international non-profit association uniting national Dental Hygienist organizations, by fostering leadership and collaboration.  IDFH is the principal advocate for the dental hygiene profession globally and promotes excellence in oral health, education, research and practice.

International Oral Health Association

IOHA was established to improve, promote and develop occupational hygiene worldwide through its member organisations, and to improve and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all.

From its creation in 1987, IOHA has grown to 35 member organisations, representing over 20,000 occupational hygienists worldwide.

IOHA provides an international voice of the occupational hygiene profession through its recognition as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) by both the ILO (International Labour Organisation) and WHO (World Health Organisation).

Lloyd & Whyte

Plan for your future with confidence, with our professional financial planning services.

We’ve teamed up with the BSDHT to help dental hygienists and therapists take control of their finances. We can help you work out how best to protect yourself while also preparing for the future.

Our expertise covers the whole financial planning spectrum. And, as we’re independent, all advice is based entirely on your best interests.

All Med Pro

All Med Pro is delighted to provide members of the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy with a specialist Legal Expenses Insurance policy that covers you in the event you need advice or legal representation for contract dispute issues and/or employment dispute matters.

Often, dental care professionals can find themselves in a position where they require specialist legal support and it can be a daunting process not knowing where to turn for good advice.


FTA Law are a full service independent law firm providing bespoke legal solutions to businesses and the healthcare sector.

Founded by experienced Solicitors Thomas Coates (Managing Director) and Sarah Buxton (Head of Employment Law and HR), the firm can demonstrate many years experience in advising businesses and healthcare professionals.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of BSDHT is to represent the interests of members and to provide a consultative body for public and private organisations on all matters relating to dental hygiene and therapy. We aim to work with other professional and regulatory groups to provide the highest level of information to our members as well as to the general public.

The Society seeks to increase the range of benefits offered to members and to support this with a clear business and financial strategy. The Society will continue to work to increase membership for the benefit of the profession

Strategic Plan

BSDHT’s strategic plan is the basis upon which the Society operates. It directs the decision making processes within the Society and provides mechanisms to monitor progress and success. The plan is all embracing and affects all aspects of the Society’s business.

BSDHT is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales. Registration number: 4337774. Registered office: First Floor, 10-12 Albert Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2RS.  VAT registration number: 616/3692/33.