The Council meets twice a year, usually in January and September.

It ratifies recommendations made by the Executive, sets budgets for the year and ensures that the Society’s aims are being met.

Any member is welcome to attend a Council meeting as an ‘observer’.  If you would like further information, please email

Executive Team:

To read more, click on team member name

Miranda Steeples

President (2022-2024)

Rhiannon Jones

President Elect (2022-2024)

Sarah Murray

Acting Honorary Secretary

Simone Ruzario

Honorary Treasurer

Sharon Broom

Director of Operations

Fay Higgin

Sales & Advertising

Claire Bennett

Student Rep Coordinator

Claire McCarthy

Elected Council Member

Emma Bingham

Elected Council Member


To read more, click on team member name

Miranda Steeples

President (2022 2024)

Rhiannon Jones

President- Elect (2022-2024)

Sarah Murray

Acting Honorary Secretary

Simone Ruzario

Honorary Treasurer

Sharon Broom

Director of Operations

BSDHT Administrative team:

To read more, click on team member name

Sharon Broom

Director of Operations

Selina Vegad


Louisa Porter

Accounts Administrator

Tracey Trapp


BSDHT Ambassadors:

Abbie Eades

Asma Matloob

Nancy Bentley

Robiha Nazir

Aaron Kinsey

Lynn McCartin

Kate Reading

Dominika Jaslikowska

Claire Stott

Joe Burchell

Lauren Barry

Martha Branch

Publications Team:

To read more, click on team member name

Patricia Macpherson

Secretary of Publications Committee

Elected Council members:

Emma Bingham

Claire McCarthy

Leon Bassi

Other representatives on Council:

Emma Bingham – Tutor representative

Patricia Macpherson –  Publications representative

Sandeep Samra – Student representative

Laura Bosah – Student representative

Claire Bennett – Student representative co-ordinator

Emma Hornby – Coaching and Mentoring Representative

Honorary Vice Presidents :

Simon Hearnshaw

Nishma Sharma

Debbie Reed

Honorary Members :

2014 – Jacqui Smith, 2010 – Sue Lloyd

2006 – Jean Bailey, 1983 – Nora Johnstone

1982 – H Colin Davies, 1977 – Robert Bradlaw

1977 – Wendy Leech, 1974 – Christina Evan

1974- Dr Robert Walker, 1974- Doreen Land

1972 – Marjorie Hansen, 1971 – Madeleine Ferry

1966 – Eleanor Knowles, 1963 – Guy Poyton

1963 – Gilbert Parfitt, 1956 – Vera Creaton

Are you passionate about your chosen profession? Would you like to learn more about the workings of your representative professional organisation? Do you think you have something to offer your colleagues?

BSDHT would like to invite any interested BSDHT members to attend the next Council meeting as an Observer.

Council agreed that it would make the work of the BSDHT Council more transparent to members if Council meetings were to be opened to invited observers.

A number of members of the Society may attend full Council meetings purely as observers, although numbers will be limited due to space. Applicants will be accepted on a first come basis and no expenses will be paid. Meetings are held twice a year in Northamptonshire.

The next meeting will be held on 7th September 2023.

To register your interest please contact the President by