Advertise your dental hygienist/dental therapist role
Using the BSDHT classifieds service you can advertise online and in the next issue of our publication, either ‘Dental Health’ or ‘DH Contact Online’.
How much does it cost?
Please note: We require at least 12 working days notice to include your advertisement in our publications (issued 1st of each month), e.g. for inclusion in January publication we would need confirmed order by 12th of December. However, we aim to have your advert posted to our website within 24 hours of payment receipt (during week days), and it will remain online until the end of the following month.
We also promote a summary of adverts and link to our ‘Find a Job’ webpage on BSDHT social media platforms free of charge.

Using the BSDHT classifieds service you can advertise online and in the next issue of our publication, either Dental Health or DH Contact.
Publication Dates
Dental Health is published six times each year. It is a highly regarded and well read scientific journal with a circulation of over 4k.
DH Contact Online is an online only newsletter style publication.