BSDHT Accreditation Scheme

The BSDHT Accreditation Scheme has been developed to help members identify relevant educational material appropriate to their needs and in line with the CPD requirements of the GDC.

All CPD educational material submitted by manufacturers for assessment is considered by our Accreditation Panel and where approval is granted the material will carry our Accreditation Logo.

Accreditation is given only where the material is considered to be of a high standard and quality, well structured, educationally sound and accurately pitched for BSDHT members.

The first three awards were presented at 2012 Dentistry Show at the NEC in Birmingham

The awards were received by Caroline Thompson on behalf of GSK for their Talking Points in Practice sessions on: acid erosion, dentine hypersensitivity and, gingivitis and periodontal disease.

The BSDHT accreditation logo may be used for a period of 12 months but can be automatically renewed subject to compliance with Terms of Use specified by BSDHT.

Currently accredited are:

  • P & G Test Drive
  • Oral Health Matters
  • Tim Ives – Breathe Better to Live Better
  • Diane Rochford – Tooth Whitening for Dental Hygienists & Dental Therapists

How to apply for Accreditation

The BSDHT operates an accreditation scheme to help ensure a consistency of quality and standard for CPD educational material used by its members.

All CPD educational material produced by manufacturers and submitted for accreditation will be assessed by an Accreditation Panel established by BSDHT and where approval is granted the material will carry an Accreditation Logo (see right).

The Panel will grant permission to use the accreditation logo for material that:

  • is relevant and of a standard appropriate to members
  • has been designed using sound educational principles
  • contains stated Aims and Learning Outcomes
  • is aligned to the stated Learning Outcomes
  • is evidence based with current and relevant references
  • provides an opportunity for evaluation/feedback.

Terms and conditions

  1. The accreditation logo is for use by manufacturers to support educational material that will provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of relevance to members of the BSDHT.
  2. Accreditation will not be given to consumer products or materials.
  3. An initial fee, to be agreed between BSDHT and the manufacturers, will be charged to cover Accreditation Panel running costs.
  4. If accreditation is awarded, a licence fee will be paid, permitting the use of the Accreditation Logo for one year.
  5. The licence fee is renewable on an annual basis for as long as the accreditation logo is in use.
  6. There is a discount structure for more than one module.

For further information about the scheme, please complete the application form below or contact the Honorary Secretary via email at or Fay Higgins via email at